Another G4 sleep question...

LG acer4x at
Mon Jan 13 20:16:31 PST 2003

on 1/13/03 8:14 PM, Power Macintosh G4 List at G4 at

> Sorry if this has been covered before. Since replacing the dodgy Formac
> video card with an ATI one I have regained proper sleep on my Mac, i.e. the
> fan powers down and it's silently pulsing the light. It does this if I push
> the power button or choose Sleep from the special menu. However, Energy
> Saver is set to sleep after 10 minutes, and if the Mac enters sleep mode
> like this, i.e. on it's own, the fan stays running and it's not properly
> asleep. Any ideas? I haven't tried it in Jaguar yet as I'm still running
> 9.2.2 most of the time.
> Tim.

Found this article *Power Mac G4: Second ATI RAGE 128 PCI Card Affects
Low-Power Mode* the other day in the Apple Knowledge Base regarding ATI


...looks like this could be what you are experiencing.


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