Poweruser Memory, Macwarehouse and Small Dog Electronics

Anne Keller-Smith earthpigz at earthlink.net
Tue Jan 14 18:12:14 PST 2003

Hi all,

Another newbie type question. I've been buying Macs for three years now,
and never questioned the free memory Macwarehouse put in them. But just
recently I bought 512 mgs of RAM and suddenly the thought popped into my
head that I know nothing about brands of RAM.

This is 512 mgs of Poweruser memory. I got it for $88.

What do you all think? Is this a good kind?

It is okay if I didn't get the best deal, because I've had good luck with
Mwarehouse for so long (nearly 10 years).

BTW, I got the iKlear kit from Small Dog and am just charmed by their
site and their company. Thanks for recommending the iKlear - the
Small Dog I think is in the sig, thanks for that too.

Anne Keller Smith, Webdesign
mailto:earthpigz at earthlink.net     http://www.earthpigz.com
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