Rich wrote; "Should I create a new partition for OSX? And then what data or files do I need to copy or transfer over to this new volume? Do I need to install OS9.2 also on this new partition? How about all the internet stuff? Do I just move my apps or do I need to re-install on the OSX partition? B) I also have a Beige Power Mac G3 I am trying to install OSX.2 on the first partition which is the 8Gb. I keep getting an error message that I have to install OSX on the first 8Gb of the drive -- which I thought I was doing?" If you create new partitioins with your OSX CD you will erase the entire drive. So back it up first. Maybe on your G3 through ethernet. Copy your data files from your back-up into your newly partitioned drive after you instal the OSes. Re-install all your apps-many OS9 apps do not work in X. Upgrade your Apps to work woth OSX and change some of them-like Graphics Converter instead of MacLink, Safari instead of Netscape or IE, etc. If you used the G3 to back-up data before you partitioned and installed on your G4 now you can do the same thing again-just the other way arround. Wipe the drive, partition and install. Pain in the ass but it's the best way. I have found that a clean install of OSX seems to work very well and have not had any problems. I do however erase the drive with the CD and then install OSX first, update it and then install OS9 on the second partition and update it. Then, if you have classic apps pick classic a in your OSX prefs. And install everything you want. The advantage to OSX and OS9 on different partitions is when you need to reinstall one of them. (just one) I have also found that most every app in OS9 has a counterpart in OSX already-it's not like OSX10 or 10.1 when it was too new to have everything you need. Age has its benefits. I found that I do not want OS9 to launch at all-so update the apps is key. jj