Will a newer graphics card work in an old G4?

csean at poc.it csean at poc.it
Tue Jan 21 01:28:38 PST 2003

on 1/21/03 02:12, Power Macintosh G4 List at G4 at lists.themacintoshguy.com

>> The ADC connector should work fine; what the tech may have been referring to
>> is the ability to use BOTH the ADC and VGA connectors at the same time to
>> drive 2 monitors (you can't do this).
> The ADC connector will not be able to support an Apple ADC monitor or
> USB, since the AGP Graphics G4 AGP slot lacks the power and USB
> connectors. I don't know if it will be able to drive a DVI monitor
> from the ADC port using and adapter. My guess is it should, but check
> first. Otherwise the other ports should work fine.
> -- 
> __________________________
> Phil Lefebvr

Good point Phil, I should have mentioned the DVI-ADC adapter. The G4 AGP
cannot drive an ADC monitor on its own.

The Barefeats web site seems to say that the DVI-to-ADC adapter should work.
See: <www.barefeats.com/sawgraf.html>

Anyone got this combo working?

FWIW (not much re. an ADC monitor), I have a Geforce4 MX in my G4 Sawtooth
and it works great with a big 21" VGA monitor. No ADC monitor to test,


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