[G4] Can't Access the Internet Via OS 10.2.3, But can via OS9.2.2

Michael L. Brown brownml at adelphia.net
Sun Jan 26 14:44:38 PST 2003

I tried some of the solutions mentioned in the link you provided, 
without any success, then I ran Cache Out X from 
http://nonamescriptware.com/. Worked like a charm and I definitely 
will invest the $29 shareware fee. I have been working on this 
problem for most of 30 hours straight through, and my wife is 
torqued. Was my turn to cook supper, fix the loud hum in one of the 
kitchen lights, etc.

Thanks,  Mike

>This seems to be an ongoing problem with 10.2.x.  There are a couple of
>discussions about it on Apple's board.
>Read the first part of this which summarizes the various solutions people
>have tried with limited success.  Then follow the link (near the bottom) to
>the very large thread on the subject.  Apple acknowledged the problem in the
>discussion but offered no solution...

Almost never pointless.

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