[G4] G4--prices OS9/Classic?

Vernon LeMoignan arrow at oanet.com
Wed Jul 16 12:19:12 PDT 2003

On Wednesday, July 16, 2003, at 01:03  PM, Ron Michael wrote:

> I'm still confused about the "boot only OSX" Macs. Do these have 
> "Classic"
> mode? If yes, can I continue to use my OS9 applications even though 
> I've
> booted in OSX? But I also want the 800 firewire port realizing though, 
> I
> can't have everything. I don't know what to do but can't afford the G5.
> Thanks.
> Ron

Yes they run classic fine, You just cant select an OS 9 system as a 
boot drive.

If your App runs fine in classic on your current mac, it will run the 
same on a
FW 800 MDD, OS X only mac.


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