[G4] start up time

Jason McClary cerebus at mac.com
Sun Jun 1 13:36:11 PDT 2003

Yeah but then I'd actually have to instal OS 9 ;-)  Was hoping to avoid 
On Saturday, May 31, 2003, at 08:39 PM, Jim Asherman wrote:

> On Saturday, May 31, 2003, at 09:28  PM, Jason McClary wrote:
>> One thing I'm wondering is, will this still be disabled for OS X? Or 
>> does OS X do a different/ faster test? I've been wondering if I 
>> should reload 9 and do this or not. Running 10.2.6 with 1.5 GB also
> I've been wondering this too.
>  time it. boot into 9. change it. time it again in X. only way to know.
> Jim

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