I've just spent a couple of hours without finding a definitive answer for this. 56K PCI V.90 US Robotics modems (and other brands too) seem to go for pretty good prices on e-bay. And I'm in need of getting a new modem. But I can't find any information as to whether these devices will operate on my Mac. The particular one I'm interested in is a 56K US Robotics Sportster 2977. It seems to be OEM equipment for ??? This apparently is not a Winmodem. But I can't seem to find anywhere any drivers or indeed any info as to whether this kind of a PCI device will operate in a Mac. In general, is it safe to plug in a PCI device in one of my PCI slots, even if I don't know whether or not it's specifically a suited for a Mac? Indeed, are there any PCI modems that would work in my G4/400? (Current OS is 9.2.2 but I'm upgrading shortly). I'm specifically looking for an internal card. Currently I'm using a Global Village V.92 plugged into my Griffin G4Port, and it has never been very satisfactory. Thanks, John