on 2/28/03 10:51 AM, Snoke Jay S NPRI at SnokeJS at Npt.NUWC.Navy.Mil wrote: > I just let setiathome run *after* I had killed OS 9 and associated apps, and > it ran without locking up the computer. I'm considering rebuilding OS 9! > >> ----- Are there real issues with having OS 9 problems, which include having to do a clean install of OS 9 on a dual computer that also the OS X.2 operating system. I gather that there are truly separate. it just seemed to me like an anomoly to try to be fiddling with clean installing OS 9 It did seem to me that you said you had OS 9 open at the same time you had OS X open, so I can only imagine that you are referring to having Classic Mode OS 9 open simultaneously with OS 10 You wrote: (I have a dual 1G MDD. 1GB RAM. I'm having some interesting crashes where I have a hard lock-up, and can only reboot (rather than kill running applications); details as follows: I usually have Outlook running (under OS 9.2.2) while running X.2.4 (I keep up to date) for all my other applications. If iTunes is running, and setiathome kicks in, my Mac locks up. I may or may not have a browser running (but usually Explorer). Couldn't your problem be that you have a network open to Outlook, and then you are doing things in OS X that do not want to play nice together. Turn off your OS 9, and be in one system at one time is my perception. I do not let Classic start up while I am in Outlook on system X. I just did not think it was a good idea. System 9 is best used by switching start up preferences from one system to the other, in order to use your SCSI scanner, which only will work in OS 9. My opinion, but it has not caused problems. My concern sometimes is upgrading in System OS 10.2 there are so many upagrades that come around, especially photoshop, that I get so confused with all of them, and which ones I have already installed or not. I have not made order out of downloads in OS X as everything plops on the desktop when i do a download. Anyone have a suggestion as to how to deal with the organization of downloads, especially if you cannot take the time to go through the installation immediately? June