sr ferenczy srf7425 at rit.edu
Tue Mar 18 17:24:45 PST 2003

just for some more personal reaction to WD drives.... i have a pair of 
WD 120 GB SE 8MB cache drives... fastest and best ata drives i have 
used yet. i use them daily on a Acard ATA 133 card for DV and DA no 
problems whatsoever. My boot drive is also a WD 60 GB drive, never had 
any problems with it. all three drives have been in service for over 18 
months, and run pretty much 24/7. Meanwhile i have been through a 
maxtor and 3 seagates in my G3 266.... =/


On Tuesday, March 18, 2003, at 12:12  PM, Wilkin, Wayne (Mass) wrote:

> Just my 2¢, I wouldn't buy a western digital for a nickel. Had just to 
> may
> problems with them back in the G3 beige desktop days. Also just had a 
> friend
> of mine with what sounds like the same drive as yours crap out on him.

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