Anne, You can install the memory yourself... Here is some more help and it is directly from apple. Apple has a section on there support web page all about Customer-Installable Parts. Here is the link for the page all you need to do is pick your computer and then you have a choice usually to watch a Quicktime movie showing you all the steps and precautions that you need to take to install something. There is also a downloadable PDF that you can print out which shows you the steps too. Here is the link Good Luck, Dan Brieck Jr. On Saturday, March 22, 2003, at 08:56 AM, Anne Keller-Smith wrote: > Hi all, > > Would you all recommend I do my own installation > of RAM on my Graphite iBook? If my local Apple > place does it it will be $90 for 128MB and then > $95 for installation. If Macwarehouse sells me > the RAM and then walks through the installation > over the phone, I'm looking at $49. > > I know laptops have small components and > things are kind of sandwiched in, so installing > RAM on these is not nearly the piece of cake > it was on the G4 tower. > > The iBook is way out of warranty, so there's > voiding the warranty issue here. Just will I > break the whole thang? > > Anne Keller Smith, Webdesign > mailto:earthpigz at > Please no attachments! Thanks.