I got an exception. ADS FW boxed Maxtor 80 GB drive came up with a dialog box I had never seen before: A Big Red Stop Sign with a Grey Exclamation Mark inside it and and the following text to the right of it: "You have inserted a disk containing no volumes that Mac OS X can read. To use the unreadable volumes, click Initialize. To continue with the disk inserted, click Ignore" Not Disk Warrior nor Disk Utilities can do any more than see it. It was working fine until I just turned it on as usual with the Cube already up. Hadn't ejected it the night before when I put the Cube to sleep. Drive was originally initialized as Mac OS Extended HFS in 9. Both the above utilities see the drive. But they cannot do anything with it. Disk warrior cannot rebuild the boot blocks and Disk Utility cannot mount it nor repair it. Disk First Aid in 9 cannot fix it either. Anybody know what utility might see this drive and get it mounted? I wonder if this is a bug in 10.2.6 that bit me? k On Friday, May 9, 2003, at 02:23 PM, Brian Conner wrote: > I'll leave the CCC questions for others who have used it before. As to > your > FW drive not showing on your desktop, usually if you will open Disk > Utility > (I leave an alias on my desktop) you will see the drive grayed out. > Click on > it to select it and choose Mount from the Options menu. > > Most of the time, this will do the trick.