Initialize or ignore

Melinda mgarrelts at
Sat May 10 08:51:22 PDT 2003

I had that same problem months ago with 10.2.1?
(maybe)  Answering the question does exactly what it
says, it will initialize the drive, wiping it
completely, or ignore it, not mounting it onthe
desktop.  I ignored mine, as it had a lot of data on
it.  I took it to a friend working in a data recovery
place.  He worked on it in his spare time, so he
didn't have to bill me.  Short of opening it up, he 
said there was nothing to do about it, and I can't
afford  to have him bill me for that.  Because of his
ministrations, it can now be seen as a ghost drive,
everything greyed out, nothing accessible.  I have not
done more to it as I would like to recover the data,
not wipe it.  He seemed to think the more I worked
with it, applying data recovery programs, the more
likely it would be to have recoverable info.  Sorry
this doesn't help much, but if you have backed up data
on there, just initialize it, no damage done to the
drive.  And if you figure out how to fix it, I'm all


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