G4 Sawtooth issues

e c fisheromacs at yahoo.com
Sun May 25 08:48:54 PDT 2003


The problem...without apparent warning, the system freezes up.  I lose
the mouse & keyboard completely.  If I unplug them an replug them there
is no change.  The cursor vanishes from the screen.   If there is an
application in the background (ie: iTunes) it will continue to
operate(?cached songs?), but I am unable to bring it to the foreground,
also the DVD player frequently freezes the entire machine, requiring me
to push the reset button on the fron of the tower.

The machine...G4 Sawtooth, 512MB RAM (2X256MB), 40 IDE HD, DVD-RAM  

The system...a clean install of OSX 10.2 onto a freshly formatted

email me directly if you would like more info, as I am on digest mode
for the list.


Ed C

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