[G4] iTunes Speed/Performance Feedback

Jim Asherman jimash at optonline.net
Tue May 27 11:35:39 PDT 2003

On Tuesday, May 27, 2003, at 02:23  PM, Snoke Jay S NPRI wrote:

> sheesh. can't we find more petty things to argue about?
> once upon a time and long before one could burn CDs or rip music files, 
> you could rip cloth. then we learned we could rip paper, when it was 
> invented.
> \

Really you shouldn't rip paper unless you take a course.
Ripping is the Extraction of media from where it was'nt intended to be 
extracted in order to reformat it or put it to some other use. So when 
you do your itunes thing you aren't ripping anything, you are 
downloading and burning.
When you shove your Dead albums through iTunes into your pod that's a 

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