3 Problems: Mac Extended keyboard & Menu Bar Application Icons, How to Empty Trash

Erik Justus Paiewonsky erikpaie at online.no
Mon Nov 10 10:24:38 PST 2003

Hi all!

Problem one, suddenly 2 things have changed:
1) The Icons representing any open application that usually sits next 
to the Apple menu Icon have disappeared and the name of the app (In 
Bold text) appears instead.

2) I can no longer use the numerical keypad on my Mac Extended 
Keyboard. (Oddly I can access it by holding down the Option (alt) key.)

Problem of a different Nature:
How do I go into Unix and erase files in Trash that refuse all other 
suggested possibilities, (such as key combinations, onyX, Stuffit 
Secure Delete etc)? I am a total newbie in command-line instructions, 
so a step-by-step would be much appreciated.

I use a Stereo G4 533 Mhz 1.2 GB RAM, Mac OS X 10.2.8

I recently had to reinstall the OS, due to a major crash, so some or 
all of these problems might be related to this...

TIA for any suggestions!


Erik Justus Paiewonsky

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