Nat- Like Joe, I'm successfully using my Quicksilver as a base station for my Dell laptop. I'm not sure if you can use more than one device at a time with a G4 base station, but I imagine it'd work. Setting it up was fairly simple, though I wouldn't recommend it unless you know a little bit about TCP/IP. You need to configure your wireless devices and the Airport card in the G4 with static IP addresses, since the software base station doesn't support DHCP. The trickiest part was getting encryption to work, though I found the right way to do it after some research. If you have any questions about any particulars, feel free to e-mail me. Eric Volker ebv1 at On Wednesday, November 12, 2003, at 09:54 AM, Nat wrote: > I've got a G4 867, a Blueberry iBook with airport card slot (no card), > a pc > laptop with PCMCIA card slot and a Tungsten-C with WiFi built in. I > want to > connect everything in my household. What are my best options? I've > heard > of compatible cards but can I use them in my G4? It takes the older > type > Airport card. I'd like to go with a more inexpensive access point > because > the Airport Extreme base station is so expensive. Has anybody got the > same > type of set up that you have working to your satisfaction? > > If I just wanted to connect the PC laptop to the Tungsten C for now > until I > save up for an Airport base station, does that need an access point if > a > card has a built-in antennae? > > Thanks