Hello G4 experts! Apple has taken control of my Mac G4 1.25ghz with Jaguar. I just updated my Jaguar to Java l.4.1 as suggested by Apple's Software Update. Now, I'm having various Java errors including Link:javascript:void(0) Real Audio which I use to listen to various audio channels. It worked prior to the update. I've downgraded my IE Explorer from 5.2.3 to 5.2.2 thinking that might help. No. Downgraded to Java l.3.1 to see if that would help. No. Also getting JavaScript alert messages in the latest Navigator and Safari. When I open the MIME setting helpers in IE Preferences the Java area looks like a bunch of jipperish. Some of the settings are: 1.1 Specific Java Applets/.javaapplet1.1 and so on with these versions. Under MIME type in File Helper settings in Preferences. 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.3 1.3.1 Also how to I stop Preview Apple application from opening my .jpg files by default. I want to use QuickTime Viewer. Have tried changing this in IE File Helper settings with no success. Sorry for the long post. I've worked three days on this with no success. Ron in Memphis