Lost Safari Bookmarks

John DeVenezia john_devenezia at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 27 00:06:25 PDT 2003

Yikes! (actually Quicksilver)  My mac powerPC g4 867 with the pulled
10.2.8 operating system lost all my precious bookmarks from Safari
version 1.0 (v85.5).  The bookmark bar is blank and when I select the
Bookmarks>show all bookmarks I get an empty page.  The bookmarks went
missing in the middle of an ordinary day, no installs or upgrades to
speak of.  I had noticed that since my 10.2.8 upgrade Safari would
crash more often the usual but it hadn't done that in a couple of days.

Has anyone else had any experince with this?  I have no idea what to

john D.
john_devenezia .at. hotmail .dot. com

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