[G4] Strange message

Snoke Jay S NPRI SnokeJS at Npt.NUWC.Navy.Mil
Tue Sep 30 07:57:19 PDT 2003

I assume you mean OS X version 10.2.6 vice 10.6...
did you repair permissions at any time when you allowed Software Update to install the newer version(s) of the OS?
to repair permissions, run Disk Utility found in Applications/Utility/ folder;  then select First Aid, and run it on your startup disk.
Jay Snoke

> Hi,
> I've got a PB G4 running 10.6 and have started to get a message about 
> every few weeks in three languages that says " You need to restart your 
> computer...."  It freezes the screen and I have to restart.  Any ideas 
> on what is causing this?
> Thanks

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