defraging a Mac

Richard Kriss kriss at
Fri Apr 2 07:45:05 PST 2004

> Date: Fri, 02 Apr 2004 06:38:10 -0500
> From: sr ferenczy <srf7425 at>
> Subject: Re: [G4] defraging a Mac
> os x auto-defrags small (sub-25KB??) files. for full disk
> defragmenting, i dont really trust anything. all i do is every 6 months
> or so, simply carbon copy clone my setup to a spare drive, format my
> original drive, and CCC it back.
> sandor
> Rennlist #031031-4586

Ditto....but I use CCC to as a back up program every week or so. Before
backing up to the my G4 BackUp HD, it use the Apple Disc Utility to repair
the Disk Permission, then run the freebie  MacJanitor on the primary drive.
I then ERASE the G4 BackUp HD and let Carbon Copy Cloner do its thing.

I gave up trusting the old Norton Speed Disc when I started using OSX.


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