And you could download a program called Pacifist from and run it to adjust your pre-binding. Pre-bindings are like a short cut for the system to launch programs more efficiently, but run your Disk Utility first, from your install CD and repair your disk untill it reports no errors and then repair permisions and then run Pacifist for the pre-binding. jj On 15-Apr-04, at 8:11 AM, Power Macintosh G4 List wrote: > > > Here is my 2 cents worth. Try repairing permissions, that can help > slow > programs. Also a general rule of thumb is to keep at least 10% of your > drive free as your hard drive is sometimes used as a swap file. Also > defragging the drive may help as well. > > > Chris > Manhattan, KS > clscott at > > > My G4 933 w/ max ram of 1.25 gigs is slowing down a lot. I running > OS10.2 > 8and I do a lot of DV editing in iMovie 3.0.3 and that is very slow. I > am > down to about 7 gigs of disk space(out of 60). I really don't want to > take > off my working file at this time. > > Dave W.