G4 Yikes/100 gig HD/1 gig RAM ......no startup chime...... very loud static continues until the startup bar starts, then quits. Nothing else affected other than no sound from music CDs or onboard mp3.....no alert sounds.....no line out sound. questions: 1) If I use a PCI sound card will I have sound out from the card, or do I have to replace the Logic board? 2) Could this be something other than the logic board, such as something between the logic board and the sound out mini-plug? 3) Where is the cheapest place to buy a logic board for this machine? _________________________________________________________________ Stop worrying about overloading your inbox - get MSN Hotmail Extra Storage! http://join.msn.com/?pgmarket=en-us&page=hotmail/es2&ST=1/go/onm00200362ave/direct/01/