[G4] Linux WAS: Re: [G4] Thanks all

Pastor Mac pastormac at macmail.com
Sat Apr 24 14:45:03 PDT 2004

On Saturday, April 24, 2004, at 01:02  AM, Don wrote:

> I attempted to start to install both Yellow dog & MKlinux
> a while back.  Anybody familiar care to talk about it off list?

Another list reference from the LowEndMac site:  MaX 
<http://www.lowendmac.com/linux/max.shtml>  Here's their charter:
MaX is a forum for people using (or wanting to use) Linux, NetBSD, or 
some other Unix-derived OS on Macintosh hardware. It's especially 
intended as a place newbies can ask questions and receive help from 
those who have been there.

Pastor Mac

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