[G4] List newbie

Keith Whaley keith_w at dslextreme.com
Sun Dec 12 12:02:32 PST 2004

Joel Threatt wrote:

> Hi all. I am a relative new comer to the G4. I have 6 or 8 other macs, 
> 68xxx mostly with a few 603 and 604e machines thrown in. But my G4 is a 
> quicksilver 2002 1gig dp, a gig of ram, lots of other stuff. My problem 
> is that it quit working. It went from fine and dandy with the Panther 
> 10.3.6 upgrade...

How long had it worked after upgrading from __what?__ to Panther 10.3.6.
Confirm that all you did after the upgrade was to try to use it.
How did it "quit?" Did you shut it down and when rebooting, it gave a 
tone, but that's it?
In other words, this appeared after a reboot?
Do you normally turn the CP off after you're done for the day, and it 
wouldn't come back up?
No question mark on the screen? Or no screen at all? No frowning Mac icon?
No further application upgrades, or similar?
I can't help, but would think the answer to the above questions will assist
anyone who might know what's wrong.

keith whaley  <== always learning...

>... to giving me a tone and a lighted screen but no drive 
> spin up. now it has no tone, a lighted screen and no drive spin up. The 
> fan in the PS is working as well as the processor fan and the red led on 
> the board is on but nuttin else. I have done extensive research and 
> troubleshooting in the apple knowledge base but they don't address this 
> problem. Any ideas??
> Joel

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