Hey again, hmm well there are no external devices attached. It booted from a Diskwarrior CD but did not recognize the hard drives. As I stated in my first note I did extensive research in the Apple knowledge base, that included PRAM reset. After the OS upgrade the machine worked well for a day or two. Then it froze in sleep mode and thats when it started to act strange. First the power button light would not stay on. After resetting the pram the light would stay one and I would get a grey screen and NO hard drive spin. But it did have a normal startup tone. I removed the battery, unplugged the PS from the logic board and the wall and it sat for a few days. After plugging everything back in it worked fine for a day or two then a lockup, and then a good startup tone and nothing else. THats when I tried to boot from a CD. I got to the desktop of the Diskwarrior CD but I did not find any devices, read hard drives, to fix. After shutting down for another pram reset thats when it did not even give me the startup tone. it just sits for a few min, gives a 1-2 sec kind of beep but with a lower tone, then I see a question marked folder. And now it will not even boot from a CD. When I bought the QS it was in my local Mac reseller. It was an editing machine from a local company that stiffed my guy for the parts and labor so he kept the machine. Supposedly it has a new logic board and PS. The original processor, a dual 1 gig, is still dead so I first ordered a dual 1.3 upgrade from OWC. That is when the trouble started. it ran long enough to upgrade the OS and move some files from my PC and install a second Seagate Barracuda 80gig, then nuttin. They were less than helpful in finding a solution so I sent it back and found a replacement, a 733 on Ebay. That is the only processor i have for it at this time, although I have my eye on a dual 800. I moved the files, all video, audio, and picture files, per FTP through my Netgear router. One aside, my local mac guy re installed the dead dual 1 gig card on the new board when he got it back. Could this have damaged the new board in some way? There is little to NO troubleshooting info in the Apple knowledge base on this model. And an extensive net search has gained little more. Thnks for reading Joel