[G4] Wireless networking

Valerie Maples vlmaples at bellsouth.net
Tue Dec 14 00:42:58 PST 2004

 No, I am being asked to log-on to the Windows machine on the Macintosh
computer.  In other words, I am trying to access Windows files from the
Macintosh, but it wants me to log-on, however will not accept my password
and user name.  I cannot create another count on the PC and try to use that
because then my user files would not be accessible from the first account.

Thanks for the suggestion, though.


On 12/10/04 4:03 AM, "Tim Collier" <collierof1957 at mac.com> wrote:

> It's been a long time since I played around with a PC (2001) but when
> you're asked to 'log-on' you're putting in the username and password on
> the PC, right?  Something else you might try is creating another user
> account on the PC and when asked to log on, put in the
> username/password combo.  Just a shot in the dark, but it might work.

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