[G4] Cannon Scanner

Daniel Brieck Jr. djbrieck at mac.com
Wed Dec 15 10:38:32 PST 2004

Also make sure you have the latest  scanner drivers and software, but 
first  try unplugging the scanner and plugging it in to a different 
powered usb port that is on a separate usb channel / bus, that you know 
is working properly.  Sometimes it seems like the computer looses track 
of some usb devices for some reason( I had it happen a few times on my 
G4 after waking from sleep) , and stuff needs them to be swapped, or 
the computer restarted for the usb devices to be re-recognized. If that 
does not work then try the drivers, and hopefully it is not the case 
where the drivers are broken because of an os update and no new drivers 
are available yet...

Is anyone able to run their Canoscan software on os 10.3.6, I am 
running CanoScan Toolbox X on os 10.3.5 with no problems.

Dan Brieck Jr.
On Dec 15, 2004, at 12:26 PM, rich northouse wrote:

>> Hi Guys/Gals,
> I have a Cannon CanoScan N670U scanner on my G4 (10.3.6, 733 MHz Quick 
> Silver).  I last used it maybe a half a year ago and it worked fine. I 
> need to use now and it is dead!  Figures right, when you need it.
> I have not unplugged it during that time, could the bulb be burned 
> out?  How would I know, since it doesn't fire up?
> I have upgraded the OS a couple times during this period.
> I have checked the wire and everything appears OK. It is a USB model, 
> getting power through the USB connection.
> Anyone have a word to the wise?
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> rich

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