I had the same issue, and also with 10.3.7--no improvement. So, I switched for a while to Firefox, and it was much, much more responsive, ***AT FIRST,*** but then Firefox, too slowed to a crawl. Emptying the cache did not seem to help. I wonder if keeping many tabs open slows them. Anyway, this may be more than just a Safari problem. --Steve (800 MHz Quicksilver, 1 GB memory) At 8:36 PM -0800 12/21/04, David wrote: >Hello, >Safari became unusable for me after I upgraded to 10.3.6. When I perform an ebay search, I get the spinning beach ball for 30 to 40 seconds before the page even starts to load. Activity monitor show that safari has stalled. Once the beach ball stops spinning, the page loads quickly. I am using a 1.2 Ghz G4 with 1.5 G ram and a DSL connection. Quite frustrating...