[G4] Pioneer 107 and DVD media question

CJ Scaminaci halogenius at sbcglobal.net
Mon Feb 2 12:28:41 PST 2004

I actually remember being in Alex's position at one point with all of 
you. This subject is dicey, accept it. I completely agree with Alex.

On Feb 2, 2004, at 1:15 PM, Alex wrote:

> On Monday, Feb 2, 2004, at 12:49 Canada/Eastern, <csean at poc.it> wrote:
>> He may indeed have a different point of view, I sincerely hope he 
>> does, but
>> I assume he's perfectly capable of telling me his point of view if he 
>> wants
>> to, either on the list or privately.
> Look, this list doesn't just happen. There is a guy in Portland who 
> provides resources and gives of his time to make sure this list works. 
> You posted a question, I pointed out to you that your question was 
> dicey. At this point, it might conceivably be polite ask the list 
> owner whether he objects to that particular topic or not before going 
> on.
> This is not about self-censorship. You can search the net and you'll 
> find tons of references to the subject; there are even Internet boards 
> dedicated exclusively to exchanging info on how to pirate software -- 
> and I shouldn't be surprised if there were one (or more) dedicated 
> specifically to copying commercial DVDs. All that is between you, your 
> ISP, and the people who post the info. But what is posted on this list 
> -- if it is illegal -- might involve also the list owner.
>> You start out by saying simply that "In more than one country, the 
>> operation
>> you describe is illegal".
>> Yet no further information is provided. Not which countries, no 
>> quoting of
>> said laws, no links to the relative legal decisions, etc.
> Are you joking? You want me to provide you with a legal opinion, 
> complete with full references on the issue? I'll be more than glad to. 
> I charge USD 200/hour (dirt cheap, btw, in this business), and I 
> estimate the research will take me about 12 hours. I'll start working 
> on it as soon as I receive your cheque. (Incidentally, in one of the 
> post I already provided you with some free tidbits of info -- see ref 
> to Norway -- that's just to whet your appetite.)
>> But the fact that said questions do slip thru and get
>> posted does not constitute a prosecutable act on the list operator's 
>> part.
>> This has been established in law.
> To quote from the classics: " [...] no further information is 
> provided. Not which countries, no quoting of said laws, no links to 
> the relative legal decisions, etc."
>> But would a US-based list owner "get in trouble" for providing Chinese
>> citizens with the opportunity to break Chinese law?
> Probably not. But he might "get in trouble" for providing anyone with 
> the opportunity to break US law.
> f

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