Pioneer 107 and DVD media question

Snow White jj4 at
Mon Feb 2 18:15:25 PST 2004

Why discuss legality - you are allowed to discuss it here.  And it is 
legal to make personal copies in the US and Canada and many other 

I see software being sold at Future Shop and Staples for burning CDR 
copies of your DVDs and am seeking a solution for OSX.  In OS9 the 
program "Forty-Two" works and once you find it you will find other bits 
but it is kind of hodge-podge - using 2 or 3 programs to rip, change 
format and burn.  There must be a less cumbersome method in OSX by now.

And I do mean for my legally owned DVDs for my own personal use in a 
country where it is legal.  I have had to replace a DVD due to 
corruption - it was shaky when I played it the first time but OK, 6 
months later it was a picture full of swimming squares - anyone want to 
buy my messed up DVD.  Had to buy another.


On Monday, February 2, 2004, at 05:25 PM, Power Macintosh G4 List wrote:

> You start out by saying simply that "In more than one country, the 
> operation
> you describe is illegal".
> Yet no further information is provided. Not which countries, no 
> quoting of
> said laws, no links to the relative legal decisions, etc. In short, 
> what
> amounts to little more than hearsay and scare tactics (the latter being
> something we might expect from the MPAA itself).

RIAA in North America. (isn't it?)

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