[G4] G4 Yikes and sawtooth adding and up grade hard drives

John Erdman jperdman at earthlink.net
Tue Feb 3 04:26:57 PST 2004

AHA!.  Finally a question I can help with!!

	I'm not 100% sure of what you're trying to do.   Just add a second 
drive or create a Raid array. You're question shows you have some 
knowledge of both.

Adding a second drive to a Sawtooth (and I suppose a Yikes!) is pretty 
straight forward. For some instructions of how to do it see Apple Care 
Document #31292 and 58429 for example. . There are others seems to be 
fairly thorough  (A little searching with Sherlock will turn up lots of 
help for this BTW)

No reason to have to buy another controller. The machine as it was 
shipped from Apple comes with all you need to add a second hard drive. 
When you're done with the installation OSX will treat the drives as 
separate units. That is you'll have to tell the machine what drive to 
store or find things on. Of course the Find command in Finder can be 
set to search all local drives without having to tell it which drive to 
look on.

I went with the 80 gig IBM drive and have had no problems. And not a 
hitch with the installation.

'Fraid I can't tell you anything about the Raid-0 installations.  But 
check out Apple article #42715. No real reason to invest in a Raid 
array unless you're involved with creating the huge files of the kind 
associated with video.


On Monday, February 2, 2004, at 11:10 PM, Darryl Mueller wrote:

>  On G 400 yikes and G 400 sawtooth. It seems that you can keep using 
> the existing hard drive on these macs add a pci controler in the slot 
> and then add a new ata hard drive. Correct? Then the 2 drive work as 
> one correct? Please correct me if I am wrong. Then on the new drive, 
> because apple doesn't support 3 party, firmware, I know just an excuse 
> but when I have called with problems in the past it's easy to blame 3 
> party, so I am looking for some kind of 80 gig. 120 gig.etc apple 
> drive, got any ideas. Or what drive would be a close copy of and apple 
> drive. And what about the pci controler where and do they cause any 
> conflicts. I have a G4 400 yikes with a 10 gig that in the biggest 
> need and my main one. I also have a G4 500 sawtooth with a 27gig that 
> I just got and might start using it, my only problem is I am not sure 
> how used it is. Dors mutiple hard drive and pci controler have any 
> reliability problems.

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