> >> actually, if an application is not programmed to take advantage of >> having multiple threads, even os x cannot distribute the task to a >> different processor. > > True. What OS X does, however, is balance the load (app + all > background processes) on the two processors, which does provide a > performance benefit. > if you would have kindly quoted the rest of what i wrote, i included this information previously. > >> [...] the VT G5 cluster gets around 60% of the theoretical output, >> and they have 2200 processors (think of the over head on that) > > Does the VT cluster run Mac OS X -- and is it really relevant to our > issue? > > f yes it does, and yes, i believe it is highly relevant. it is the largest working example of SMP we have on the macintosh, and i believe it shows how well the OS handles SMP. http://www.apple.com/education/science/profiles/vatech/optimization.html that link talks about the work in porting various drivers etc to os x for the cluster. sandor >