I have a Apple PowerMac G4 AGP Graphics "Sawtooth" 350MHz (1999) Hey I currently have 2 12gig internal Hard-drives and it's really annoying to use and they are filling up so I wanted to switch to a single large capacity internal drive. I was looking into getting this: Western Digital Caviar 7200 RPM Drives: 80GB Western Digital Caviar 7200rpm 8.9ms 8MB 'JUMBO' Cache UltraDMA 100. 3yr Western Digital Warranty. (WDGWD800JB) http://eshop.macsales.com/Catalog_Item.cfm?ID=3669&Item=WDGWD800JB Would there be any issues using it? And is there anyway to transfer all my files on to it without having to re install all my apps. -- Ryan Randall Flagg www.randallflagg.ws