[G4] Re-partition partly

Video International videoint at jb3.so-net.ne.jp
Tue Jan 27 07:06:09 PST 2004


There's not an easy way that I'm aware of.

You can use Panther's Disk Utility to back up your partitions to 
another drive by making disk images of them (make compressed versions 
as you're low on space). Then reformat your drive the way you want 
using the Disk Utility in the Panther install cd (you must boot up from 
the cd - it's in one of the drop down menus). You can then restore the 
backup images to your new partitions. Expand (not restore) the disk 
image of "B", select it's contents, and add it to your new "A" 

If you're out of space and don't have an external drive, maybe you can 
backup a partition or two to DVDs and expand or restore those using the 
Disk Utililty of a working OS on your newly formatted drive.

Hoping it's not as confusing for you to read as it was for me to write!


> My G5's hard drive has 5 partitions. Is it possible to combine, for
> example partition A and B and make it into one  partition without
> disturbing the other 3 partitions? I have room on another drive to
> copy partition A and B.
> OS X.3.2 etc.

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