UPDATE I found and FIXED the problem. The Apple 15 inch display MUST be plugged into one of the two G4 USB ports. It was not a happy camper on the 4-port hub. Good ending to a PITA problem! Eric's note made me start looking again to find the problem. It is working great now. The are no new rules just old rules revised - be careful with what you plug into a USB port! Dick >From: Eric Dunmire <edunmire at nb.net> > >No mine works fine! On 6/1/04 7:19 AM, "Power Macintosh G4 List" <G4 at lists.themacintoshguy.com> wrote: > From: Richard Kriss <kriss at qsl.net> > Message-ID: <BCE11FEE.211AD%kriss at qsl.net> > > For reasons I do not understand the On (start) button on my Apple 15" LCD > Display stopped working when I upgraded from 10.3.3 to 10.3.4. I now have > to use the button on the face of the G4 to start. > > You don't really miss something like a button until it is gone. I have been > starting my system from the button on the edge of the display for a long > time and now it no longer works. > > Anyone else noticed this issue? > > Dick