I have four internal drives - two connected to the apple on-board adapter and the other two to a plug-in ATA adapter. It takes a bit to figure out the jumper settings, but once correct - works great. The on-board adapter has a limit of 128GB per drive. David G4/500, 2GB RAM Powerlogix dual 1.33 processor upgrade, two 200GB internal drives, two 75GB internal drives. OS 10.3.4. On Jun 2, 2004, at 10:00 PM, Paul Moortgat wrote: > If it's set as slave, it should work. These settings, you must find > on the disk, or from the manufacturer. > > Paul Moortgat > > On 3-jun-04, at 03:31, Dale Hoffman wrote: > >>> >>> Another problem could be that his G4 simply does not support two >>> hard drives on the same circuit and won't recognize anything more >>> than the original individual Master drive. >>> >>