[G4] Integratng with home stereo

Video International videoint at jb3.so-net.ne.jp
Thu Jun 10 05:05:00 PDT 2004

What!? No LAME encoder plugin for iTunes?


The 3.90.3 version is considered the better version at the moment. If 
you're not familiar with the LAME mp3 encoder, it's considered the best 
by audiophiles (a search should bring up a lot of info).


> I use iTunes 4.5 for importing tracks from CDs.  You can drag all the 
> tracks
> in at once and conversion is very quick.  Set Prefs to import as MP3s 
> files are about 8 times as large.)  Be sure sampling rate is set to 
> 44.100,
> use 192 (better quality) and uncheck play while importing.  If you 
> want to
> convert to Quicktime Player you can drag the iTunes MP3 file to a QT 
> Player
> alias--be sure to save as standalone movie.

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