[G4] SCSI ID question

Doug McNutt douglist at macnauchtan.com
Tue Mar 2 05:50:38 PST 2004

At 23:35 -0800 3/1/04, Ron Steinke wrote:
>The SCSI socket on the mother board gives you the ability to attach up to eight SCSI devices to that circuit (SCSI IDs from "0" to "7" equals 8 devices).

I would have guessed that SCSI ID 7 was in fact reserved for the computer itself but I confess that I have never thought about a machine with mixed SCSI and ATA drives.

Is ID 7 really available in this case? Can one use ID 7 on, say, bus 1 of an 8500 that has two SCSI buses?

--> Marriage and kilo are troubled words. Turmoil results when centuries-old usage is altered in specialized jargon <--.

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