Recently, I have acquired a similar problem. I have an G4 AGP that I converted from 400 to 800. I added an additional internal HD shortly there after. The New HD was partitioned into OS 9 and OS X.2. All of this was months ago. Several times in the past month I have noticed an odd phenomena. The machine will not sleep. I have had teenagers living in the same house. The lack of sleep does not seem to affect either. If I remove myself from the machine for a while, the inhouse screen saver comes on. If I then push any key, my desktop is restored, but, if I were to brush my fingers over the keyboard, touching several keys in succession, I also would be greeted with a message in 5 languages (which I hope is the same in all of the languages) and a dire warning that I must restart the machine. In fact, there is no option, the Computer must be restarted. Other that this idiomatic gesture, I have noticed nothing unusual about the machine.