James, It appears that you may be on the right track. I would think that the "tried using LimeWire and Disc Burner" programs has caused the Apple CD Burn program to be activated but not quit out of. For Roxylee, Has the dock been checked for active programs? Look for a small black triangle under the program icon in the dock. If you see a triangle there, it means that that particular program is active but may not be appearing on the desktop because the program window was closed and the program wasn't shut down properly (quit). Then, have your daughter take the time to familiarize herself with the proper methods of closing a program in OS-X. My wife had the same problem for a while and would always leave active programs running when she left the computer. After I explained that she had to use the Quit command or the key command -Apple Q- when she stopped using a program, she didn't have any more problems with it. On 3 Mar, 2004, at 19:52, James Asherman wrote: Why not just put in a blank CD and see what it wants to do? Maybe then the problem will clear up. Jim