In reply to: Paste.... the problem with the un-dual-capable sawtooths had to do with the Uni-N Apple ASCI chip revision.... (7 or above should be dual capable) this was due to the fact that these were pretty much the first dual machines apple was offering in the G3/G4 range, since those first few machines, all revisions of Uni-N have been dual capable, so it should not really be a problem. sandor On Mar 13, 2004, at 9:28 AM, Snow White wrote: > But, consider the original 350 and 400 SawTooth G4s. Many were single > processor and cannot use a Dual CPU at all. If you want dual later, > buy dual when you purchase. Better to just be done with it outright > than search for 3 years for what you wanted originally as a retro-fit. > How can one find out which version processor is in their Sawtooth? Thanks