Sharing files between OS 9.2 and 10.3.2

Carol java_j at
Sun Mar 21 15:01:53 PST 2004

I am attempting to network my two G4s using a router.

The two computers can see each other, but I cannot log in except from
the OS 9.2 G4 to the OS 10.3 G4 as guest.  I have not set up any special
users on either G4.  My problem seems very similar to what "Snow White"
is experiencing.  I would like to be able to read and write to the
Shared folder.

Going the other way around, from 10.3.2 to 9.2, I get the message,
"Unknown user, incorrect password or log on is disabled."  Do I need to
turn on multiple users?  Will it cause a problem I have the same user
name, but different passwords, for the two computers.  
Carol -

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