Extracting Program Data

Anne Keller-Smith earthpigz at earthlink.net
Wed Mar 31 02:27:39 PST 2004

Hi -

Would Graphic Converter get data out of documents created
in Classic programs? I see an issue coming up on my next
machine purchase as my understanding is OS9 and the Classic
emulator will no longer be supported.

I am upgrading everything for OSX, but there's still data
in old programs. I can keep an old machine around to read
the data and print it out, I suppose. Formatting isn't real
important, it's the data.

Specifically -

Excel98 - am planning to begin using Appleworks for this stuff,
hoping that I can import all old Excel sheets into Appleworks.

EudoraPro 3.1 - am using Mail now, but Mail hasn't yet managed
to import all old mail. If I leave the old mail in Eudora, how do I get
it out should I not be running any OS9 at some point in the future?
(I am taking some of this old mail and copy/pasting it into TextEdit
as an interim solution.)

PalmOS - a flaky program, so wondering should I make screenshots
of my calendar and address books from time to time, but this seems
like a really cumbersome way to ensure the data doesn't get lost.

An opposite issue, if my main OSX machine crashes, and I have
to use my OS9 laptop for awhile, I imagine screenshots
(.pdf format) might be accessible in Adobe Acrobat, while
Textedit files (.rtf format) might be available in any word processor.

Any thoughts? What are your strategies?

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