I have a G4 450 Sawtooth 1 gig OS 9.2. Lately I have been having problems in Internet Explorer 5 (latest Mac version for OS9.x). Some links don't work. I click and either nothing happens, or a blank new page comes up. I have trashed IE prefs including the backup copy, Trashed system prefs, downloaded and installed a new copy of IE 5, copied both a backed up system and IE from a few months ago before I had the problem. I'm ready to Trash the system (or the computer) and start over, but that's a lot of work with all I have installed. Anyone else ever run across this problem? My old Power Tower still works correctly on the same links and is on the same router. An example is in an Ebay auction that has a picture and several thumbnails, you're supposed to be able to click the thumbnails and they open in the bigger picture area. May have something to do with Java, but I haven't figured out what to do about that. As a note that might help, I am using Palm desktop and other apps, an Praeco, both seem to be finiky, but the problems persist even without these open. Thanks! Ron--