I'm using Appleworks 6.2.7 for personal checkbook/budget, and it's been going pretty well, although I certainly credit respondents who reported frustration with clunkiness of the program. Compared to Excel, it is indeed clunky. Main problem I'm having is my file keeps corrupting. This is a real no-go for financial data. I have had to re-enter two weeks worth of receipts TWICE, and am now pretty steamed. Also, it seems to me that when you quit the program doesn't prompt save, as does practically every other program on the planet, because it keeps asking me if I want to restore changes not saved on quitting. Perhaps this is the trouble? Hard to remember when the rest of the universe prompts me to save any unsaved files. The exact error is "the file appears to be damaged and cannot be opened." I was thinking pointing Disk First Aid at it might help patch it up, but now I'm wondering if I should throw out the program (and my $80) and see if I can get an X copy of Excel, pirate or no. I just cannot have my financial data giving me these damage messages constantly. I will have to call Apple about this because the Disk First Aid on the Jaguar install disks bleats that it isn't compatible with Classic (?) - Why would it be? We're talking X here, all the way. Thanks for any info, and if all this is too elementary for you guys, I understand. Anne Keller Smith Down to Earth Web Design G4 733mHz (OS X 10.2.0/Classic) Graphite iBook 333mHz (OS 9.0.2) mailto:earthpigz at earthlink.net http://www.downtoearthweb.com