Can't re-install Internet Explorer

Joe Dundovic jodun at
Sun May 23 21:34:31 PDT 2004

Hello to all,

For some reason I seem to always run into problems which no one else 
does.  So here is another one which I hope someone has run into 
before and managed to fix.

1.  I'm running OS 9.2 on an old G4.

2.  I've had some problems with my Internet Explorer 5.1.2 so I 
decided to re-install it.

3.  Tried to install it from a downloaded v. 5.1.7 smi and from my V. 
5.0 CD.  Neither would work.

4.  I get a snotty window message which says:

"Unable to execute Internet Explorer 5.1.7 (or 5.)"
"You do not have the appropriate privileges to use this file." (-54)

5.  So what are those "appropriate privileges" that I don't have?  I 
only wish I knew.

6.  I thought that possibly my current I.E. program is corrupted and 
preventing the new smi from being accepted.  So I took the I.E. 5.1 
folder and the Explorer preferences folder and placed both folders in 
the Trash.  Trying to install the new smi gave the same rejection 
window as previously.

7.  I would rather not try to go to I.E. tech support if at all 
possible.  Does anyone have a suggestion for a fix?

Best regards,

Joe Dundovic


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