[G4] Trouble booting from OS 9 (AGP Graphics)

john raga at raga.com
Fri Oct 15 19:50:09 PDT 2004

I haven't been able to boot into OS 9.2.2 with my newly acquired AGP 
Graphics machine.

10.2.8 is running on a 80 GB single partition in the slave position 
on the cable, jumpers now set to slave (OS 9 wouldn't boot with 
jumper set to cable select, the way the drive was set when I got the 
computer, installed by Tekserve here in New York, so I reset the 
jumper hoping to solve the problem; made no difference)
9.2.2 in a partition on a 120 GB drive in master position, jumpers 
set to master. Classic runs without any problems on this system

When I set the 9.2.2 partition as startup disc in system 
prefs>startup disc it starts up in Jaguar anyway. (Same thing with 
9.1 and 8.6 that I put in 2 other partitions trying to work the 

When I start up holding down the option key the only available choice 
is the Jaguar disc.

Any suggestions appreciated...John

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