Still trying to boot from OS9: I re-installed the original 10GB drive (with 9.2.2) that came with the machine into the zip drive bay. Altho it didn't boot when targeted by startup disc, it was available as an option while holding down option at restart, and it booted. But...the keyboard worked, and the mouse was dead. Any ideas? ===================== Earlier posting: I haven't been able to boot into OS 9.2.2 with my newly acquired AGP Graphics machine. 10.2.8 is running on a 80 GB single partition in the slave position on the cable, jumpers set to slave. 9.2.2 in a partition on a 120 GB drive in master position, jumpers set to master. (Classic runs without any problems.) When I set the 9.2.2 partition as startup disc machine starts up in Jaguar anyway. (Same thing with 9.1 and 8.6 that I put in 2 other partitions trying to work the problem) When I start up holding down the option key the only available choice is the Jaguar disc. Any suggestions appreciated...John