Dear Russell; I used a simple KVM switch that I got at I used it between a Macintosh G4 Quicksilver and my Dell PC, sharing a single keyboard, mouse, and monitor. The only thing I lost was the multimedia buttons on the keyboard and the scroll on the mouse after I'd performed my first switch. I was using a standard PC monitor, know, I take that back. I was using a Dell 15-inch flat panel monitor to run both machines and a Logitech Cordless keyboard and mouse. I hope this helps... Valerie On 10/21/04 4:05 PM, "C. Russell" <russells at> wrote: > I am running a Mac G4/400 704 MB ram and now have a HP 1 Ghz Window's > PC which I use for trouble shooting other people's PC's. I have one > Monitor Diamond Pro 710 that works one both CPU's, but I have to shut > down and disconnect and reconnect to the unit I want to use.. Does > anyone have advice on a switching system that is not to costly.. where > I can switch without having to shut down.